Monday, 29 February 2016

Study Break

After a long period of studying the  Practical Anatomy for Artist by Peter Simpson and working through a very in-depth course on digital embroidery with a superb tutor Carol Undy, I am now back to working on some unfinished work.

I've now finished one of the pieces I started way back here.

I'm hoping this will give me the impetus to finish the Dungeness Project started here, after putting so much effort into the research it would be a real shame not to finish it.

I recently found some beautiful driftwood pieces on the beach, whitened to perfection, which I think will make the perfect hanging device.


  1. Wow, your light shade is beautiful, Sharon. What a great shape too. You must be so pleased with it. The driftwood will be an interesting textural blend with the 'sails' - great idea.

  2. beautiful work. thank you for your comments on my blog ...

  3. how lovely to see this read that you are going to continue....

  4. Welcome back to blogging Sharon! I love your light shade. There is so much knowledge and skill in this, and the result is beautiful and unique.
