Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Starting to consolidate the project

I've reached the stage now where I’m working on all 3 panels of the Lady launchers project, which is quite a satisfying place to be.

The second panel is now finished and just waiting for the stabiliser to be removed. I was very pleased that the border stitch worked well and provides an unobtrusive frame for the embroidery. I'm also very pleased at how the eyelets have worked and am looking forward to making and attaching the hanging device.

The third panel is now ready for the hand embroidery to be completed using running stitch with hand dyed silk thread. The most time consuming part of this process is starting and finishing with a concealed knot. As the organza is transparent and is the end panel of the three, it will be seen from behind when it is displayed.

You may notice that the original figure drawings have been replaced with the new paired down outlines. 

It was quite difficult to make sure that the figures were correctly posed, so I decided the best way to do it was to line the whole design up on a central line that could be matched to a line on the cutting board. As you can see the second figure in the row needed a small amount of tweaking

First figure completed 

By way of a distraction from the intensity of this project I decided to create a small piece with some vibrant colour. The idea for the design has been derived from a fabric wall hanging that I noticed when I was visiting the  Weald and Downland Living Museum  in Sussex.

I started by copying a photo of the design and then importing it into the sketching app Sketchbook Pro. I was then able  to add colour which could  be removed instantly if it wasn't right.

Once I was happy with the 2 colour pallets I then changed the original grey background to a cream as I intend to use calico for the background fabric. I think the technique I use for this piece will be digital appliqué and digital embroidery for the smaller details. 

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